National Black Food and Justice Alliance

The National Black Food and Justice Alliance (NBFJA) is a coalition of Black-led organizations that work towards cultivating and advancing Black leadership, supporting Black communities, organizing for Black self-determination, and building institutions for Black food sovereignty & liberation.

Food injustice is a term that refers to the unequal access to healthy and affordable food, as well as the systemic oppression and exploitation of people of color in the food system.

Some examples of food injustice are:

  • The lack of grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and community gardens in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color.

  • The exposure of farmworkers, especially immigrants and undocumented workers, to hazardous pesticides, low wages, and poor working conditions.

  • The disproportionate impact of climate change, environmental racism, and land dispossession on Indigenous peoples and their food sovereignty.

NBFJA is fighting for food injustice by:

  • Developing Black leadership and organizing skills through trainings, mentorships, and exchanges.

  • Supporting Black communities in creating their own food systems that are healthy, sustainable, and culturally appropriate.

  • Organizing for Black self-determination and liberation by challenging the policies and practices that harm Black people and their land.

  • Building institutions for Black food sovereignty and land justice by reclaiming land, creating cooperatives, and developing networks of solidarity and mutual aid.

NBFJA also has several initiatives that focus on specific aspects of food injustice, such as:

  • The Black Land & Power initiative, which aims to protect Black land ownership and access, support Black farmers and land stewards, and promote land-based education and healing.

  • The Black Food Sovereignty Policy Council advocates for policies that advance Black food sovereignty at local, state, and national levels.

  • The Black Food Justice Fund provides grants to grassroots organizations that are working on food justice issues in their communities.

Learn more about this organization here.


George Washington Carver


July’s Food Justice Hero: Karen Washington